Optimize Your Construction Project Scheduling with 123Worx

Construction Management Software for General Contractors

Revolutionize your construction project planning with 123worx’s advanced scheduling tools, designed for simplicity and effectiveness.

Streamlining Project Timelines

Effective project scheduling is crucial in construction management. Keeping timelines on track, adjusting to unforeseen changes, and ensuring everyone is aligned can be challenging. 123worx simplifies this with a powerful and user-friendly scheduling feature that adapts to real-time project developments.

Easy Schedule Adjustments

Modify, adjust, and edit your project schedules with just a few clicks. Our intuitive interface offers Work Breakdowns, Gantt Chart or a Calendar view for flexible access to project schedules ensuring that project managers can respond quickly to changes, maintaining project momentum.

Real-Time Progress Visibility

Gain a real-time view of your project’s progress. Site workers can update the progress in real time via mobile app. Executives, clients, and team members can stay informed with up-to-date scheduling information, enhancing transparency and trust.

Schedule Automation and Integration

Link your Milestones, Deliveries, Payments, Check Lists, Work Order, Inspections, other documents in the Schedule to a particular action or line item. Any changes made to the schedule will automatically update the linked feature dates and can trigger an automatic email to key stakeholders as configured.

Integrated Workflow Automation

Benefit from our auto workflow and integrated systems for automatic dispatch scheduling. This feature streamlines task assignments and optimizes resource allocation.

Comprehensive Service and Warranty Management

Our project scheduling is integrated with service and warranty management, ensuring that work orders, service contracts, and historical records feed seamlessly into overall project timelines.


Discover the 123worx Difference

Join the ranks of construction professionals who have transformed their project management with 123worx. Experience the power, flexibility, and efficiency of our cloud-based best construction management software.

123worx Project Scheduling offers a blend of simplicity and power, ensuring your construction projects stay on track. With real-time updates and automated workflows, it’s the scheduling solution that construction managers have been waiting for.


Ready to Improve Your Construction Project Management?

Discover 123worx’s Scheduling feature and begin delivering organized and timely projects.

  • Critical Path Method: 123worx employs the Critical Path Method to streamline project scheduling, ensuring that all tasks are sequenced optimally to minimize project duration.
  • Gantt Chart: Our software offers work breakdown structure and intuitive Gantt Charts that provide a visual representation of project timelines, allowing users to track progress and identify potential bottlenecks.
  • Auto Emailing to Trades: With automated emailing capabilities, 123worx simplifies communication by sending notifications to trades and team members about upcoming tasks and deadlines.
  • Baseline Tracking Reporting: Users can easily monitor project progress against established baselines, enabling them to identify deviations and take corrective actions promptly.
  • Calendar View: Our calendar view feature offers a user-friendly interface for viewing project schedules, allowing novice users to visualize tasks and milestones in a familiar calendar application.
  • Mobile App Integration: Seamlessly integrated with our mobile app, users can access and update schedules and their work progress from anywhere, anytime, and even upload documents directly to each scheduled task.

Real Time Collaboration: 123worx facilitates smooth communication between the office and the field, enabling real-time collaboration and information sharing to keep projects on track and on schedule.

Ready to elevate your project scheduling and take control of your construction timelines?

Discover the efficiency of 123worx Project Scheduling.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How user-friendly is the project scheduling feature in 123worx?

Our project scheduling tool is designed for ease of use, allowing project managers to make adjustments quickly and efficiently, even without extensive technical expertise. Users may pick WBS, Gantt or Calendar views based on their preference.

Can I get real-time updates on my project’s progress?

Yes, 123worx provides real-time updates on project progress, keeping all stakeholders informed and aligned with the latest developments.

Does 123worx support automatic scheduling and task assignments?

Absolutely. Our integrated auto workflow system automates scheduling and task assignments, enhancing efficiency and reducing manual efforts.

How does project scheduling integrate with other project management functions?

123worx seamlessly integrates project scheduling with other functionalities like service and warranty management, ensuring a cohesive project management experience. 123worx schedules are integrated with many other features such as Milestones, Deliveries, Payments, Check Lists, Work Order, Inspections and documents to name a few.

Is it possible to share the project schedule with clients and team members?

Yes, the project schedule can be shared with clients and team members, ensuring transparency and collaboration throughout the project lifecycle.