Cloud-Based Construction Project Management Software That Helps to Enhance Productivity

123worx’s suite of productivity tools help automate project management, sales management and business management to reduce mundane tasks and reduce errors, leading to enhanced productivity. Cloud-based construction project management software by 123worx has a competitive advantage with its fully integrated platform with common data that allows the offering of features such as auto workflow. Auto workflow (auto emails and auto tasks), integrated applications and smart templates are the best known tools in the software industry for enhanced productivity and leading to higher profit margins.

Blue Line

Auto Workflow

Our cloud-based construction project management software increases productivity and construction business efficiency by allowing workflow automation through auto tasks & auto emails that are triggered by an event (E.g. start of project)

Auto Emails

123worx cloud-based construction project management software auto email allows user to send predefined emails that are triggered by an event in the system. The event can be a preset date, a change in schedule or an incoming email request.

cloud-based construction project management software
cloud-based construction project management software

Auto Tasks

Cloud-based construction project management software by 123worx allows ​auto tasks to be preassigned to resources so that when triggered, tasks are automatically distributed with the appropriate details.

Email Tracking

123worx cloud-based construction project management software allows tracking of emails from 123worx email or Outlook, making it easy to follow emails with clients, trade partners or contacts with a single click of mouse.


123worx cloud-based construction project management software provides a suite of sophisticate templates to make it easier for users to set up a new project or respond to a sales email. Examples of templates include email, estimate, schedule, checklist, inspection, contract report, payment schedule.

Automated Business Processes

123worx construction project management software provides the ability to create fully customizable business process charts and organizational charts that can be linked automatically with the user profiles to help manage resources efficiently.

Automated Checklists

Our cloud-based construction project management software allows users to create checklists with automated tasks assigned to users, contacts and trades with a click of a mouse. Checklists can be project-specific or used to set up company processes. For example, users can set up an automated checklist for a simple ‘Sales call’ or comprehensive ‘Drawings review process’.

cloud-based construction project management software


What is included in 123worx Auto Workflow?

Auto Workflow is a mechanism designed to create an action based on specific triggers. 123worx provides a comprehensive set of triggers across the project lifespan to facilitate the creation of auto workflows.
Below is a list of some of the workflow items. Users can initiate a preset email or task based on any of these triggers.

  • Creation of new project in 123worx
  • Start date of a project
  • Project shared with the client on a Client-Portal
  • Key Project Milestone achieved as defined by the user
  • Project completion
  • Upon warranty expiry date of the project
  • Automatic delivery of scheduled email from the Project Schedule
  • Notification on Mobile App on any change in the schedule
  • Welcome email upon the creation of new Opportunity in CRM
How does 123worx manage the project resources such as Trades, Employees, Vendors and Subcontractors?

123worx offers an innovative tool called Resource Action Plan. As the name suggests, it helps manage all tasks and assigns them to company resources on a single dashboard. Users can manage tasks for a specific day or a time range chosen by them. Designed based on client feedback, Resource Action Plan is a game changer in enhancing productivity.

How does 123worx templates help increase productivity?

Even though no two businesses have the same processes, once the processes are implemented, the work becomes repetitive. For example, an estimate for a house will contain the same items with different dimensions and associated costs. Similarly, a trade providing masonry services will include the same items in every estimate but with varying dimensions and costs. Creating an estimate from scratch for every project is a productivity drain. However, creating a template once will make it a breeze to generate a new estimate. Below is a list of some of the templates offered by 123worx:

  • Estimates
  • Emails
  • Schedules
  • Check Lists
  • Proposals
  • Surveys
  • Inspections
  • Opportunity (Lead)
  • Employee Performance Review
  • Payment Schedule
  • Meeting Agenda
How does 123worx helps track communication?

123worx offers a comprehensive communication tracking tool. For instance, all outgoing emails from 123worx are automatically tracked within the software. Additionally, incoming emails can be tracked directly from the software. Below are the communication channels that are tracked in 123worx:

  • Emails
  • Internal Messaging
  • Tasks
  • Phone call log
  • Appointments

Experience the Power of cloud-based construction project management software by 123worx